The New Technologies Of Plagiarism – Exploring the Culture Of Plagiarism In Higher Education
I recently attended the New Technologies in Education event, which is held by the British Council in Belgrade, Serbia.
I recently attended the New Technologies in Education event, which is held by the British Council in Belgrade, Serbia.
I delivered a staff development workshop covering both plagiarism and contract cheating to representatives of the University of Montenegro.
I was invited to deliver a high profile keynote presentation about student plagiarism in Azerbaijan, to an audience consisting largely of Vice Chancellors, other senior figures in higher education and Government officials.
A workshop focusing on the issue of student plagiarism, rather than the much more specific problem of contract cheating.
Here is the video version of a presentation for the ICAS 2013 workshop. I’m unable to attend this workshop in person as I’m attending ITiCSE 2013 at the same time, however one of my colleagues will provide the presentation at the workshop on my behalf. The presentation looks at applying the growing research area of …